To build Puketapu 3A Incorporation into a successful agri-business delivering value to whanau.
Our Whānau
The Committee of Management is charged with managing the interests of Oraukura shareholders. It comprises five members elected for a three year term by Oraukura shareholders at the annual general meeting. The Chairperson is elected annually by the committee members, and the committee governs according to Part XIII of the Te Ture Whenua Maori Land Act 1993, and the Incorporation’s constitution, policies and planning documents.
Oraukura Committee of Management have a collective experience and knowledge generated over time from their exposure to governance roles. This serves to provide the basis for robust and considered discussions regarding how the Committee can uphold and advance the interests of the Oraukura shareholders.
Puketapu 3A Committee of Management

William Konui
William was elected a committee of management member in 2006. His knowledge and experience in the Agribusiness is well sought after, evidenced by his current appointment to various other Tuwharetoa/Whanganui land entities, director of Maui Milk Limited, Wools of Aotearoa and Manaaki Farming Partnership.

Michelle Taiaroa
Michelle was elected a Committee of Management member in 2014. She was born and raised in Turangi and currently works for the Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board in Finance/ Administration. She has been involved in tribal activities all of her life.
“ My whanau has been involved with Oraukara since my Great Grandfather Joe Hoko who sat on the previous Board and they would always say “you have a duty to care for these taonga and make it beneficial to the people. I am very humbled to be a part of this incorporation and hope to grow our assets to benefit our people”

John Hura
John was elected a committee of management member in 2000. He has lived in the Taupo district since 1988 and is a Planning Manager for New Zealand Forest Managers Limited. John holds a number of governance roles in the district including on the Lake Taupo Protection Trust, Taupo nui-a-tia Management Board and the Tongariro School Board of Trustees.

Sean te Heuheu
Sean was elected a Committee of Management member in 2022 after serving as an associate for 5 years. Sean grew up in Ngapuke and Taupō and works for the Tuwharetoa Settlement Trust as the General Manager.

Tuatahi Farming (2010) Limited Partnership is made up of limited partners, Puketapu 3A Incorporation and Oraukura 3 Incorporation, and general partner, Tuatahi Farming Limited. The general partner Board of Directors governs the farming businesses of the limited partners as one, seamless business operation. All directors of Tuatahi Farming Limited are independent of the Incorporations, are selected for their expert farming knowledge and experience, and are appointed for a 3 year term.
The current Tuatahi directors are:
John Hura
William Konui
The current Tuatahi management team are:
General Manager: John Tatere

Manunui Staff
Eugene McLeod, Anaru Patel, Carlos Segura, Ryan Clarkson

Moerangi staff (with casuals )
Cody Marshall, Chicago Albert, James Tahi, Kate Russell, Shannon Reynolds